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We're more than just ink on paper

We're more than just ink on paper

Create a Printable PDF

Create print-ready PDFs with confidence. These simple steps will ensure that every PDF contains the proper settings for any pressroom.

  • From the right-hand sidebar on this page, download the Job Options file that corresponds to the operating platform.
  • Open Acrobat Distiller
  • In the Settings menu, choose Add Adobe PDF Settings
  • Locate and select the new job options file
  • Save, then close Distiller

All PDFs created from any application will now use these settings by default. Please note that these PDFs will be considerably larger than screen view PDFs.

If you need further assistance using the tools on this page, please call 703.569.8232.

Printable PDF Job Options

Right click on the links below to download PDF Job Options files with all of the correct settings in place.

image: Windows OS Iconfor PC

image: Mac OS Iconfor Mac